
Finding a new site

It turned out that it would cost a great deal to create the foundations for the bell at the first site we looked at, on the spit of sand, shingle and mud that emerges at low tide. On April 16 2021 a group visited all the most promising sites around the town. The most promising, […]

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Seasonal tunes, High Tide in Morecambe, December 2020

Pete Moser and friend celebrate the highest tide in December 2020.Wrapped up warmer than in August , and with less wind. Thanks, all!

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Developments in Par

Marcus has completed an outline design for the installation in Par. And the location is becoming clearer, in the fairway of the former river route. It is shown slightly more clearly in this aerial photo - the location is marked with a red dot. An excellent team is forming to drive things forward. Watch this […]

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Proposed new site - Ventnor

There is a real head of steam building for the new Isle of Wight bell to be in Ventnor, on the South Coast.The ideal location looks like being just south of the 'Rotunda' a circular building atop a pumping station, sandwiched between the town's beach and Ventnor's small harbour. The bell would be mounted among […]

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New sea level rise satellite

Nasa has just launched a new satellite to measure sea level rise, charmingly named after a recently deceased scientist, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich. Long story short, here's Nasa's graph of sea level rise as measured by satellites to date: It's rather a challenge to know how to feel about this.....

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Core drilling in Harwich

The proposed location for the Harwich bell is on a spit of sand that runs out from the beach. Obviously the bell will need a strong foundation - and so there needs to be an investigation of what is going on underground - core drilling. On October 23 Tendring District Council engineers brought along a […]

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Brixham bell delivered from the foundry

Horribly delayed from the proposed installation in July 2020, the bell has finally been delivered to Marcus Vergette's studio from the foundry. Can it still be installed this year? Watch this space.

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Shifting sands

The Mablethorpe bell is the only one mounted on a beach. It is fixed to large 'helical piles', which like large corkscrews are driven deeply into the sand; this is a common way of mounting structures on sand. Anyone who has visited the bell may have noticed various levels of the sub-structure being revealed by […]

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Citizen Science .... continued

After a grievously long interval - given that our first toe in this water was in early March, we are striving to put momentum back into this project. The Marine Biological Association has come out of lockdown, fuloughs are over, and all we have to do is pick up where we left off (as though […]

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The bell is rung at high tide, August 21 2020

Exploring the full range of harmonics, using a variety of mallets and strikers - multi-instrumentalist Pete Moser is at it again.

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Time and Tide - a composition by Pete Conner & Andy Aitchison

A piece composed by Peter Conner and Andy Aitchison using the haunting sound of Marcus Vergette's Time and Tide Bell installation on Mablethorpe beach.

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Pete Moser rings the Morecambe Bell in May 2020

This is a different way of ringing a Time and Tide Bell... Multi-instumentalist and composer Pete Moser uses a soft and hard mallet. There are plans to repeat this every month....

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Green investments as a way back from the pandemic (one for people who like economics)

There is much current discussion of the form Government investment policy should take post-Covid-19. A study just published by the University of Oxford's Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, and covered in Carbon Brief looks at whether various possible fiscal recovery packages would accelerate or retard progress on climate change. Short version, five policy […]

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The Covid-19 virus and coastal towns

The thinktank The Centre for Towns has recently published a report called The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on our towns and cities. The Centre is 'an independent non-partisan organisation dedicated to providing research and analysis of our towns. Whilst our cities receive a good deal of attention, we believe that there should be equal […]

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Citizen Science - The story continues

A virtual meeting was held on march 23, between the MBA team, Time and Tide Bell team, and some of those who had attended the workshops. The first point was obvious - the radical changes to life in the UK due to the coronavirus epidemic have had a big impact on the project, taking place […]

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Climate change and the bells

Most people reading this will probably know that there is a substantial, growing and deeply committed group of artists whose work aims to have a focus in some form on climate change. Whether it can be read as a cry of pain (e.g. the observation that ‘scientists can shout, artists can scream’) or as a […]

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