Our Education Programme

Our aims are to:

Engage the curiosity and creativity of all generations in the Time and Tide Bell communities
Do the same for young people in a way that teachers would recognise as relevant to their curriculum needs and within the Time and Tide Bell communities
Create a point of focus for outdoor learning (Covid driven where appropriate)

We believe the bells provide an ideal way of bringing outdoor learning to numerous strands and stages of education, and our programme will actively support this. We will provide teachers and parents with schemes of work and suggested practical activities linked to the current curriculum. They will be differentiated for various ability groups to use in school, out of school and especially on local beaches. We also aim to work with many other civic society organisations to bring our perspective on outdoor, environmentally oriented education, to as wide an audience as possible.

As part of our education programme we are keen to support all learning. We are currently working with many groups in our local communities including;
Local primary Schools,
Some Home Education Groups
University of the Third Age
Cubs, Beavers and Scouts
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Local Beach School Groups

Why not take a look at our project pages (link to projects)

Registered Company No: 11575853
Charity No: 1182967
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